Tuesday, September 09, 2008 2:41 PM
Japanese volunteer Ms. Yukiko Kasuya at the FM Campbell school, during one of her classes. (Source: picture supplied)
Japanese volunteer Ms. Yukiko Kasuya has been in the Solomon Islands in the Makira Province for nearly a year now, under a Japanese volunteer (JOCV) two year contract.
Ms. Yukiko Kasuya is now a teacher at the FM Campbell School, in Makira Province, teaching Home Economics.
According to Mr. Kasuya, "This is an experience I will always remember."
Upon arrival, Ms.Yukiko Kasuya has been hard at work learning the Solomon Islands common language the 'Pidgin' and also learning about the Makira culture.
Although quite difficult for her at first, she now loves the easy going lifestyle; the Makira Province has to offer.
"Not only could I speak the Pidgin English language now but I can converse with locals on various dialects from around Makira which has improved every time and has even impressed my local host," says Ms. Kasuya with a smile.
According to her, the biggest problem is transport and the transportation of school supplies to the school, which at times often disrupts her home economics lessons. However, she has come to accept the challenges the rural areas has to offer.
"I have grown to love living with the locals, and understanding the culture. I also love fishing, diving and collecting sea shells," concludes Ms. Yukiko Kasuya.
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